April 5, 2007

Don't List My Blog on Blogshares.

I have several disabled friends. 3 of them are guys back from Iraq. Jim lost his left foot, Ronnie lost both. Bob's got a plastic kind of plate in his head where his skull should be. He's in a wheelchair. He needs a lot of help. His wife is there for him 24-7. Angela is the best name she could have been Christened with. She is an angel. God Bless them all.

I called them up this morning. I wanted to know if any of them were playing Blogshares. No body ever heard of it. I'm glad. That means there are 3 disabled veterans Blogshares gamers can't make fun of.

I checked, and my blog is listed there. I don't want my blog listed on Blogshares. I have seen for myself that Blogshares allows cruel inappropriate comments and attacks on disabled players.

As a matter of principle that should not be allowed. A person's disability should not be thrown in his face. It should not be ridiculed as a "disability card." It should not be minimized or marginalized as an "excuse."


Anonymous said...

I saw my blog too. It is worth $1000.00.

The game looks boring. The forum is rather cliquish like high school. Gamers are stunted when it comes to social maturity. But I was surprised to see that set of attackings. Maybe this is a high school game.

I'll pass along the word.

Tina D said...

I never knew this was happening. Like I replied to your comment on my blog, thank you for the heads up.

In general, inappropriate comments are not welcomed and attacking people is just a no-no in my book.

Anonymous said...

The director with avatar Suburban Wolf uses much profane words at people. If we are not friends with them they make fun of Portuguese and other foreign men who are learning English and print our *funny* speeches in big letters.

I leave months before and never go back.